
This is an extended response question that I do with decimals. I have them answer it on graph paper.

Who has the Greatest Number?
Prompt: Ray and Jessi used the cards below and created a number using a decimal. Ray says that his number is greater and Jessi said that her number was greater.  Ray created the number 98.56 and Jessi created 98.7

A.  Compare the numbers Ray and Jessi made and explain which student made the greater number.
B.  Circle and explain the place of the digit in each number that tells which number is greater.
C.  Create a number with a decimal of your own that is greater using the numbers 0-9 and you cannot use the same number twice.

Here is the rubric I use to score this.

Who Has the Greatest Number? - Decimals (Comparing)
Extended Response Question Rubric


Student answered A, B, C correctly. Student compared the numbers by using a symbol, circled the correct place that tells which number is greater and explained their answer.  

Student answered A,B, and C correctly, but did not include all detail needed in parts A, B, or C.


Student answered only 2 parts correctly.

Student answered 1 part correctly.

Here is a link to Who Has the Greatest Number from TPT.

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